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Toowoomba CFMOTO

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2024 CFMOTO XO Papio Trail Dual Purpose

Value My Trade-In


CFMOTO XO Papio Trail
2024 CFMOTO XO Papio Trail Dual Purpose
$4,290 Drive Away 1
$25 per week4






1 Cylinders 126 CC Petrol








1 Cylinders 126 CC Petrol

Bike Type

XO Papio|cycle



Stock #


Dealer Comments

#### Compact and Lightweight ####

The CFMOTO XO PAPIO TRAIL has a wet weight of only 114kg and a low 760mm seat height, the lightweight and compact body structure promotes confidence and easy handling.

With its six speed gearbox, ABS, and over 300klm fuel range the XO PAPIO strives to be a motorcycle that connects riders and lifestyles, encouraging more users to find new ways to play.

Paying tribute to the classics of the last century, each variant features one-of-a-kind bodywork with carefully sculptured lines exuding fun and creating excitement wherever you go.

CFMOTO's XO Papio series isn't just about urban motorcycles; it's a declaration, a bold embodiment of the spirit that refuses to conform. With the resonant tagline 'Make it Big,' the XO Papio range not only redefines the boundaries of what's possible in the world of MINIMOTO but also inspires riders to amplify their own narratives.

'Make it Big' isn't just a phrase; it's a call to break free from the ordinary, embrace the extraordinary, and ride into a world where dreams are not just chased but realised.

We have bank beating in house finance rates and competetive freight options available - so there is no excuse not to give us a call today!

4Finance to approved applicants. Repayment amount shown is indicative only and is calculated based on an interest rate of 10.95% p.a. (Comparison Rate 11.52% p.a.), ride away price as displayed, less a deposit of $0 and 60 months installments in arrears, an account fee of $300 and application fee of $395.

1Motorcycle Ride Away price is calculated, allowing for a 6-month registration term. In states with no 6-month registration term available, the ride-away price will increase by $300, and the registration term will be 12 months. To confirm your area's ride-away price and registration term, please contact us.

2ATV / UTV and SSV National rideaway prices are inclusive of freight and dealer pre-delivery charges. Excludes Regional WA and King Island dealers. Conditional vehicle registration for ATV / UTV models depends on State and Territory laws and is available at an additional cost. To confirm your eligibility, please contact us.

Finance to approved applicants. Repayment amount shown is indicative only and is calculated based on an interest rate of 10.95% p.a. (Comparison Rate 11.52% p.a.), ride away price as displayed, less a deposit of $0 and 60 months installments in arrears, an account fee of $300 and application fee of $395. Interest rate used is based on an average individual credit rating and meeting mandatory credit criteria. Repayments and interest rate may vary depending on your individual circumstances, financial position, credit rating, information provided, loan amount and loan term. Comparison rate is based on a 5-year secured fixed rate consumer loan of $30,000. WARNING: The Comparison Rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Credit criteria, fees, charges, terms and conditions apply. Finance is provided by Australian Motorcycle and Marine Finance Pty Ltd. ABN 85 603 969 875. Australian Credit Licence 472918.